Making credit simple.
Here at SLR we specialize in helping customers qualify for Solar Installation Agreements in a timely manner. Although we specialize in helping customers attain solar, Improving your credit can also improve your quality of life. Having bad credit can be expensive. We at SLR do all things credit repair. By attaining better credit you can achieve lower interest rates on mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, personal loans, qualify for higher loan amounts, solar and ultimately live a more stress free fulfilling life.
Our Mission
Helping home owners
qualify for solar.
SLR Credit Solution was developed when Jose Ruvalcaba, Founder of SLR was working with customers, offering different solar options, and unfortunately could not do anything about the customer's failing credit. A missed opportunity for both the customer and solar representative. Moments like these were tough.
The customer would only find out that they weren’t eligible after investing their time in learning about the benefits of Solar and finally committing to taking a leap towards renewable energy.
The solution? Now, In the same occurrence, SLR Credit Solution will step in and take these same customers and help replenish their credit in a timely manner to help them qualify for solar! Bad credit shouldn’t get in the way of making decisions. SLR has partnered with a Solar company and has also helped countless solar reps and customers reach their goal! A planet powered by the Sun. One home at a time!